To create a place for Mom and Dad. A place where board and care are provided in the comfort of a residential home with utmost regard for safety and a more personalized loving care like family. Just like home…


An alternative place for family members to bring their loved ones in a safe environment with a more intimate and excellent care focused on holistic approach to residents’ physical, mental, and emotional wellbeing

Our Specialty And


Home by the Dome is locally owned and operated by a physical therapist who has more than 25 years of experience, working mostly with elderly, who can offer a unique advantage to provide a holistic approach in care to ensure vitality to residents physical, mental and emotional well-being.

The beautiful Home is conveniently located by University of Notre Dame Campus. It is a 5 bedroom house modified with safety features and staffed with compassionate caregivers available 24 hours to provide assistance to the residents

Respite care

Respite care, temporary placement– when family need time away/vacation


cases while awaiting for upgrade in weight- bearing status

Impaired Cognition

Hospice patients

Long-term Care Placement

We Offer Multiple Services


  • Round the clock 24/7 non-medical assistance
  • Well planned meals that will accommodate certain diets
  • Medication reminders
  • Respite care
  • Housekeeping and Laundry
5 Bedroom House

Modified with safety features

24/7 Non-medical


1 Safe

Group Home

25 Years

of experience

What People Say About Us


Coming Soon

© Copyright - Group Home By The Dome 2018